Pretty Mustard Yellow Cambric Kurti


Pretty Mustard Yellow Cambric Kurti

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Pretty Mustard Yellow Cambrc Kurti–

Pretty Mustard Yellow Cambric Kurti in 100% pure cotton, cambric. The beautiful kurti has finely made gota patti motif below the right shoulder and the front left bottom side of the kurti. The beautiful kurti has the beautiful motifs on the sleeves too in an unusual pattern. The boat neck compliments the design style and making the kurti striking is the fine peach finishing of the kurti. The kurti is premium quality cotton piece, stitched with lining and length 48 inch.

Product Highlight for Pretty Mustard Yellow Cambric Kurti:

Fabric Type: Cambric

Color: Mustard Yellow

Embroidery: Gota patti

Ships in 2 weeks

Product Code: KSRK005

Free Service: The kurti comes ready to wear with lining.

Any Questions? You can message/whatsapp us at: 7023953082.

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48, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46